Reporting Analyser (RA)

Modified on Fri, 17 Jan at 2:21 PM

The Reporting Analyser screen is a valuable tool that presents your data at any given time, based on the reporting criteria set by the statutory authority in your state or country.

The Reporting Analyser eliminates the need to run individual reports to see how your organisation is tracking against the requirements, allowing you to manipulate the data on the screen by drilling down to analyse how your data is tracking.

This solution details:

And contains the following reports:

To view reports within the Reporting Analyser screen, from the Home Screen, click Reports and Exports then Reporting Analyser.

The sections of the screen are as follows:

Occupancy Calculation Latest DateThe Date that shows where the Occupancy Calculation has been run to, and the data the data will show to in the RA.

It is crucial that before you use the RA, that you have run the Occupancy Calculation up to, or including, the date you want to analyse.

More information about running the Occupancy Calculation are in this link: Running the Occupancy Calculation
Start Date and End DateThe Date parameters you will set to use the screen. These will retain the values of the last period analysed. 
Description BoxThe description of the report, or the specific metric including the calculation of why your data is giving you the number on the screen.

This box will show a link to a Chintaro solution where applicable, or detail the exact wording of the metric from the governing authorities reporting guidelines. 
ReportsA list of the reports which can be analysed using the Reporting Analyser.
NumberWill show the total number of records within the metric selected, and will change when the screen is filtered. 
Screen FunctionsOptions to Show All when screen is filtered to return to the default view, or Export to use the data outside of Chintaro. 

How do I analyse the data on the screen?

When you are ready to analyse your data, the first thing you will need to check is the Start Date and End Date of the screen. Click into the date fields and adjust as necessary.  

Each report has a green symbol next to it, which indicates that the section can be expanded. Click the + symbol of the report you want to expand:

Once expanded, the symbol will turn into a - (collapse) symbol and if the report has various sections, they will be displayed. Expand the section metrics by clicking the + symbol of the section you want to view:

Keep drilling down to the metric you'd like to view by clicking to green + symbols and select a metric you want to view by clicking the name. When selected, the metric name will show as bolded:

After you have selected a metric, the Description field will be populated to show the information from the report guidelines, plus any additional calculations if they apply. 

Data that fits the criteria of the metric populates in a data sheet on the right hand side of the screen. There may be more columns to the right hand side, and you can use the scroll bar to move across the screen:


If you would like to view the data in more detail, you can double click on the row that you would like to view within the datasheet, for instance, double click any row of a tenant in the above screenshot, and Chintaro will open the tenancy screen. You can then click the Back button in the Toolbar to return to the RA.

The number of records on the screen is displayed at the top of the screen:

Filtering the columns on the screen (for instance, by Program) will change the number at the top of the screen.

NRSCH (National Regulatory System for Community Housing)

Who are NRSCH?

The NRSCH regulates providers of community housing in Australia. Community housing providers are organisations that deliver social or affordable housing and related services to people on very low, low or moderate incomes.  This includes social and affordable housing, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations, for profit organisations and other specialist housing providers.

The NRSCH is a voluntary registration system. Providers are not obliged to register but registration may be a precondition of funding or assistance for jurisdictional policy and funding agencies.

NOTE: In order for the data to populate in the NRSCH section of the RA, all Programs you would like to include in the reporting MUST have an NRS Type and NRS Segment selected. If they do not have these 2 options selected, the data will not be populated in the report. Select both options from the System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Program > NRS Type / NRS Segment columns:

1 Tenant and Housing Services

SectionDefinition/ CalculationData Displayed
1.1 Tenancy Management Not in Chintaro - Outsourced Services
1.2 Tenancy numbers for year to 30 JuneHeading Only
1.2.1 Tenancies for the yearA tenancy is defined as households under individual tenancy agreements.The total number of tenancies (i.e number of tenanted properties – including non self contained) as at End Date entered (or 30/06).
1.2.2 New tenancies for the yearNew tenancies are defined as tenancies that were allocated during the year either to existing or new/ upgraded tenancy units.  

Exclude: tenancies that transferred from one dwelling to another dwelling, regardless of whether they have a new tenancy agreement in place Tenancy units are defined as a dwelling or part of a dwelling to which a rental agreement can be made. In most cases there will only be one tenancy unit within a dwelling structure, but in a small number of cases (for example rooming houses, group homes) there may be more than one tenancy unit.
Total number of new tenancies created with a Tenancy Start Date between the dates selected.
1.2.3 Tenancy exits for the yearTenancy exit is defined as any ending of a tenancy including evictions.

Tenancy exits should be greater than or equal to the eviction number.
Total number of Vacated tenants with a Vacated Date within the timeframe selected.

All Tenancies MUST have a Reason for Leaving and the RA will exclude any reasons that are listed as 'Transfer'.

Data displays all tenants in all programs.
1.2.4 Evictions for the yearEviction is defined as a warrant/ order for vacant possession and the tenancy is subsequently terminated.Total number of tenants with an end date in the timeframe selected, AND whose Reason for Leaving including the Eviction flag on System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Reason for Leaving > Eviction column:
1.4 Tenant SatisfactionNot in Chintaro 
1.5 Tenant access to supportHeading Only
1.5.1 Number of supported tenancies in place as at 30 JuneSupported tenancies are defined as those where the tenant has a support plan or other special specific assistance to help the tenant/ household sustain their tenancy.Displays all active tenancies at at End Date selected, with a start date and no end date AND with Tenancy screen > Support Agreement box ticked:

2 Housing Assets

SectionDefinitionCalculationData Displayed
2.2 Repair activity for the year to 30 JuneHeading Only
2.2.1 Urgent Repair RequestsAll requested repairs in the year to 30 June plus any outstanding from the previous financial year. Include urgent repairs to common area.All tasks with a Program and a Reported Date within the timeframe selected, AND with an Urgent type that has the Urgent flag ticked in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Urgent Types > Urgent Column:
2.2.2 Urgent Repairs CompletedUrgent repairs completed in the year to 30 June.All tasks with a Program and Reported Date AND an Actual Completion Date within the timeframe selected, AND an Urgent Type that has the Urgent flag ticked in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Urgent Types > Urgent Column.
2.2.3 Non urgent repair requestNon urgent repairs exclude property (void or vacant) maintenance and planned or cyclical type maintenance that is part of a ‘pro-active’ program. This could include non planned non urgent work to common area.All tasks with a Program and a Reported Date within the timeframe selected, AND with an Urgent type that does not have the Urgent flag ticked in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Urgent Types > Urgent Column:
2.2.4 Non urgent Repairs CompletedNon urgent repairs completed in the year to 30 June.All tasks with a Program and Reported Date AND an Actual Completion Date within the timeframe selected, AND with an Urgent Type that does not have the Urgent flag ticked in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Urgent Types > Urgent Column.

6 Management

SectionDefinitionCalculationData Displayed
6.1 Vacancies and Tenancies as at 30 JuneHeading Only
6.1.1 Number vacant tenantable tenancy unitsNumber of vacant tenantable tenancy units as at 30 June.  All rooms with a Status of Vacant Tenantable at End Date.
6.1.2 Number vacant untenantable tenancy unitsNumber of vacant untenantable tenancy units as at 30 June because: an agency has chosen not to tenant the unit (e.g. due to tenant welfare issues) an agreement exists (i.e. with the State/ Territory housing authority, or another agency with nomination rights) that the tenancy remain vacant.All rooms with a Status of Vacant Untenantable, except those Rooms that have a reason 'Waived' at End Date.

Waived reasons set in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Room Status Untenantable > Waived tick box:
6.1.3 Number tenancy units vacant (other)Number of tenancy units (other) vacant as at 30 June  All rooms with a Status of Vacant Untenantable AND have a reason 'Waived' at End Date.

Waived reasons set in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Room Status Untenantable > Waived tick box:
6.1.4 Number of tenancies at 30 June (of previous year) Tenancies are defined as households being housed under individual tenancy agreements, not tenancy units   Tenancy units are defined as a dwelling or part of a dwelling to which a rental agreement can be made. In most cases there will only be one tenancy unit within a dwelling structure, but in a small number of cases (for example rooming houses, group homes) there may be more than one tenancy unit.Total number of active tenancies as at 30 June of previous year's End Date.
6.1.5 Number of tenancies (current year)Number of tenancies at 30 June. See 6.1.4 for definitions  This will be the same figure recorded in 1.2.2Total number of new tenancies created starting in the financial year to End Date entered.

Data displays all tenants in all programs.
6.1.6 Number of tenancy exitsTenancy exit is defined as any ending of a tenancy including evictions. This will be the same figure recorded in 1.2.3Total number of Vacated tenants with a Vacated Date within the timeframe selected, except where the Leaving Reason on the tenancy is a 'Transfer':

Data displays all tenants in all programs.
6.1.7 Calendar days vacant tenantableThe number of days all tenancy units were vacant combined into a total figure for the year. These figures are used to calculate the average turnaround time for units.The Number of Days column is the count of the where the status of a room was Vacant Tenantable between the Start Date and End Date selected.
6.1.8 Calendar days vacant untenantableThe number of days all tenancy units were vacant combined into a total figure for the year. These figures are used to calculate the average turnaround time for units.The Number of Days column is the count of the where the status of a room was Vacant Untenantable between the Start Date and End Date selected, AND where the reason the room was VUT was not Waived.
6.1.9 Total calendar days vacant otherThe number of calendar days vacant (for vacant other units relet during the year to 30 June)The Number of Days column is the count of the where the status of a room was Vacant Untenantable between the Start Date and End Date selected, AND where the reason the room was VUT was Waived.
6.1.10 Number vacant untenantable reletTotal number of actual vacant untenantable properties relet during the year to 30 JuneTenancies with a Tenancy Start Date between the Start Date and End Date selected, AND with the Re-let Vacant Untenantable box ticked on the new tenancy (in Tenancy screen > Reporting > Re-let Vacant Untenantable):
6.1.11 Number vacant tenantable unit reletTotal number of actual vacant tenantable properties relet during the year to 30 JuneTenancies with a Tenancy Start Date between the Start Date and End Date selected that are created from a Vacant Tenantable room, where the Re-let Vacant Untenantable box is unticked.
6.1.12 Total number of tenancy units Total number of tenancy units including all occupied and vacant tenantable, vacant untenantable, vacant (other) at 30 June.All rooms 
6.2 Rental IncomeHeading Only
6.2.1 Rent foregone vacant tenantableThe amount of ‘Rent foregone’ due to each ‘vacant tenantable tenancy unit’ being vacant, combined into one total figure for the year. Rent foregone is to be calculated as average rent charged per unit in the last financial year as a daily rate times the number of days vacant (See 6.1.7 Calendar days vacant tenantable)The Average Daily Rent Rate shows the daily rate (weekly rate / 7) as at the End Date selected.

This figure is multiplied by the number of days the room had a status of Vacant Tenantable and the total is populated in the Total column.
6.2.2 Rent foregone from current / ex tenantsRepresents the total loss of unpaid rent from current and ex tenants as at 30 June.Total rent balances in debit as at End Date.
6.2.3 Total potential rental incomeThe total rental income for the year based on all tenancy units being fully tenanted.The Average Daily Rent Rate shows the daily rate (weekly rate / 7) as at the End Date selected.

This figure is multiplied by the Number Days the room was active with an (factoring in the Online Date and Returned Date on the room) and the total is populated in the Total column.

VRS (Victorian Regulatory System)

Who are VRS?

The Registrar of Housing Agencies, supported by the Office of the Housing Registrar, is responsible for regulatory oversight of the community housing sector in Victoria under the Housing Act 1983 (Vic). The data the VRA captures related to Key Performance Measures (KPM's) set by the Housing Registrar. 

NOTE: In order for the data to populate in the VRS section of the RA, all Programs you would like to include in the reporting MUST have a KPM Type selected, and all Tradespeople MUST have a KPM Type selected. If these 2 options are not selected, the data will not be populated in the report. Select the KPM Type for the Program from System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Program > KPM Type column:

And select the KPM Type on each Tradesperson's screen that completes Maintenance for the KPM Programs:

KPM 1 Turnaround Time

Sub-sectionDefinition/CalculationData Displayed

KPM 1.1 Days vacant (tenantable)

The number of days all tenancy units were vacant tenantable, excluding any time they were vacant while maintenance was being undertaken, combined into a total figure for the year.
All rooms with a vacant tenantable period within the Start Date and End Date selected.
KPM 1.2 Number of vacancies (tenantable)
Number of vacancy periods (tenantable) during the reporting period.
Any room with a vacant tenantable period between the Start Date and End Date selected.
KPM 1.3 Days vacant (untenantable)The number of days all tenancy units were vacant untenantable while maintenance was undertaken on the units, excluding any time they were vacant following the completion of maintenance, combined into a total figure for the year.All rooms with a vacant untenantable period within the Start Date and End Date selected.
KPM 1.4 Number of vacancies (untenantable)Number of vacancy periods (untenantable) during the reporting period.Any room with a vacant untenantable period between the Start Date and End Date selected.
KPM 1.5 Days vacant (other)Total number of days tenancy units were vacant (other) during the reporting period.
All rooms with a vacant tenantable period within the Start Date and End Date selected.
KPM 1.6 Number of vacancies (other)Number of vacancy (other) periods during the reporting period.
Any room with a vacant other period between the Start Date and End Date selected.
KPM 1.7 Actual vacancies during the reporting periodNumber of tenancy units that recorded any form of vacancy period (VT, VUT, or VO) during the reporting period.
A sum total of the vacancies recorded in KPM 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 for the Start Date and End Date selected.

KPM 2 Average Occupancy Rate

Sub-sectionDefinition/CalculationData Displayed
KPM 2.1 Number of tenancies at 30 JuneNumber of tenancies (i.e. tenanted properties) at 30 June.All tenancies which were active as at the End Date selected.
KPM 2.2 Median duration of tenancy - days (current tenants)Median duration of tenancy in days for current tenants as at 30 June.
All tenancies which were active as at the End Date selected.
KPM 2.3 Median duration of tenancy - days (tenants vacated during reporting period)Median duration of tenancy in days for tenants who vacated during the reporting period.
All tenancies who vacated between the Start Date and End Date selected.
KPM 2.4 New tenancies during the reporting periodAll new tenancies that commenced during the reporting period, either in existing or new/upgraded tenancy units.
All tenancies with a Start Date between the Start Date and End Date selected. If Actual Start Date is filled in, this date is used in place of Start date.

KPM 3 Exits

Sub-sectionDefinition/CalculationData Displayed

KPM 3.1 Total number of evictions

The total number of evictions during the financial year.
Total number of tenants with an end date in the timeframe selected, AND whose Reason for Leaving including the Eviction flag on System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Reason for Leaving > Eviction column:
KPM 3.2 Reason for evictionThe primary reason the tenant was evicted.
Total number of tenants with an end date in the timeframe selected, AND whose Reason for Leaving including the Eviction flag on System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Reason for Leaving > Eviction column:
KPM 3.3 Tenant exitThe substantive accommodation a tenant entered after vacating their tenancy.
Total number of Vacated tenants with a Vacated Date within the timeframe selected.

KPM 4 Rent Outstanding

Sub-sectionDefinition/CalculationData Displayed

KPM 4.1 Total rent charged to tenants

The total amount of rent charged to tenants
Total of Rent Charge transactions created between Start Date and End Date selected. 
KPM 4.2 Rent outstanding from current tenantsThe total amount of rent outstanding from current tenants for rent charged in the current financial year, as at 30 June.
All tenancies which were active as at the End Date selected, with a negative "RentOutstanding" value.
KPM 4.3 Number of current tenants in rental arrearsNumber of current tenants with rent outstanding as at 30 June.
All tenancies which were active as at the End Date selected, with a negative "RentAtEOFY" value.
KPM 4.4 Tenants in rental arrears ≤ 14 days ($)The amount of rent outstanding from current tenants that equates to 14 days of the tenant’s rent, or less than 14 days of the tenant’s rent.
All tenancies which were active as at the End Date selected, with a negative "RentOutstanding" value, where the RentOutstanding is less than or equal to a fortnight of rent charges in their current dwelling.
KPM 4.5 Tenants in rental arrears > 14 days ($)The amount of rent outstanding from current tenants that equates to more than 14 days of the tenant’s rent.
All tenancies which were active as at the End Date selected, with a negative "RentOutstanding" value., where the RentOutstanding is greater than a fortnight of rent charges in their current dwelling.

KPM 5 Complaints

Sub-sectionDefinition/CalculationData Displayed

KPM 5.1 Number of tenant/prospective tenant complaints received

The total number of complaints received by the agency.

The number of complaints with a Received Date between the Start Date and End Date selected that have a Incident Type as Tenant:

KPM 5.2 Number of tenant/prospective tenant complaints resolved within 30 days of receiving the complaint
The total number of the complaints received by the agency from tenants or prospective tenants within 30 days of receiving the complaint
The number of complaints with a Received Date between the Start Date and End Date selected that have a Incident Type as Tenant, AND have a Finalised Date within 30 days of the Received Date:

KPM 5.3 Median complaint resolution time (days) (prospective tenant/tenant complaints)Median complaint resolution time for prospective tenant / tenant complaints.
All complaints with a Received Date between the Start Date and End Date selected that have a Incident Type as Tenant, and have a finalised date entered:
KPM 5.4 Focus of complaint (prospective tenant/tenant complaints)The primary focus of prospective tenant/tenant complaints.
Frrequency of each ComplaintGroup being entered to complaints with a Received Date between the Start Date and End Date selected that have a Incident Type as Tenant.
KPM 5.5 Number of complaints received from neighboursNumber of complaints received from neighbours who are not prospective tenants / tenants of your agency.
All complaints with a Received Date between the Start Date and End Date selected that have a Initiator Type of Neighbour.

KPM 5.6 Total number of complaints received

The total number of complaints received by the agency.
The number of complaints with a Received Date between the Start Date and End Date selected.

KPM 6 Urgent repairs

Sub-sectionDefinition/CalculationData Displayed
KPM 6.1 Number of urgent repair requests
The total number of urgent requested repairs that were received by your agency during the financial year.

All tasks with a Reported Date within the timeframe selected, AND with an Urgent type that has the Urgent flag ticked in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Urgent Types > Urgent Column:

KPM 6.2 Urgent repairs completed within 24 hours

The total number of urgent requested repairs that were fully completed within 24 hours of the request being made.All tasks with a Reported Date within the timeframe selected, AND with an Urgent type that has the Urgent flag ticked in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Urgent Types > Urgent Column:
AND Completed Date / Time within 24 hours of Reported Date/ Time.

KPM 7 Non-urgent repairs

Sub-sectionDefinition/CalculationData Displayed
KPM 7.1 Number of non-urgent requested repairs
The total number of non-urgent requested repairs that were received by your agency during the financial year.

All tasks with a Reported Date within the timeframe selected, AND with an Urgent type that does not have the Urgent flag ticked in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Urgent Types > Urgent Column:

KPM 7.2 Non-urgent requested repairs completed within 14 days

The total number of non-urgent requested repairs that were fully completed within 14 days of the request being made.
All tasks with a Reported Date within the timeframe selected, AND with an Urgent type that does not have the Urgent flag ticked in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Urgent Types > Urgent Column:
AND Completed Date / Time within 14 days of Reported Date / Time.

NAHA / AIHW Data Collection Report

What is the NAHA / AIHW Data Collection Report?

The AIHW Data Collection Report, also known as the NAHA Report, is a report that specific Community Housing Providers in some states must complete (states include Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia) and submit to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 

The data captured in the report is used to:

- produce nationally-comparable Indigenous community housing performance indicator data for national reporting

- describe the social housing system in AIHW reports such as Housing Assistance in Australia, Australia's Welfare, and

- provide statistical information to third parties via the AIHW's data on request service.

NOTE: In order for the data to populate in the NAHA section of the RA, all Programs you would like to include in the reporting MUST have an NAHA Type selected. If they do not have this option selected, the data will not be populated in the report. Select a NAHA option from the System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Program > NAHA Type column:

Sub-sectionDefinition/CalculationData Displayed

NAHA Data Complete

This section provides a list of all of the records and fields that will be used to populate your NAHA template.  All fields included in, or that are useful in assisting with the reporting of, the NAHA AIHW Data Collection Report. 

NAHA Tenancies

All tenancies that were active during the year.All tenancies that were active within the Start Date and End Date selected.

Active tenancies show a Tenancy Start Date only, and Vacated tenancies show a Tenancy End Date.

NAHA Dwellings

All dwellings that were active during the year.
All rooms that were active within the Start Date and End Date selected.

NAHA Person

All clients that were actively tenanted (both primary and related) during the year. All Clients (primary and related) that were in an active tenancy within the Start Date and End Date selected.

DCJ Report (NSW)

What is the DCJ Report?

The DCJ report is completed by providers in New South Wales, and the data is imported into CHIMES. 

NOTE: In order for the data to populate in the DCJ sections of the RA, several Reference Tables need to be set up, along with information entered into Properties and Tenancies. Check this solution to ensure your database is set up correctly: Preparing Chintaro to run the DCJ Report

SectionDefinitionCalculationData Displayed
1 Households

2 Dwellings  

3 Households

4 Residents

5 Vacancies

Renewal SA Quarterly Data (SAQ)

What is the Renewal SA Quarterly Data Report?

NOTE: In order for the data to populate in the Renewal SA Quarterly Data Report sections of the RA, all programs must have an Allocation Type selected, and all Properties must have a CPG number listed: How to run the Renewal SA Quarterly Data Return Report

Columns Data Displayed
1 Renewal SA Quarterly Data ReportHeading Only
SortIDSort ID populated from the Property Screen > CPG# Field:

ISIPCPG Number populated from the Property Screen > CPG# Field:
AddressAddress populated from the Property Screen > Address field:
CityCity populated from the Property Screen > City field:
Room NumberRoom Number populated from the Room Details screen > Room Number field:
ProgramProgram populated from the Property Screen > Program field:
Property ValuationProperty Valuation populated from the Property screen > Valuation section:
pIDAuto generated Property ID:
rIDAuto generated Room ID:
tIDAuto generated Tenancy ID:
Start DateTenancy Start Date populated from Tenancy Screen > Tenancy Start Date field:
DaysAuto calculated number of Days latest tenancy has been active in the room.
Returned DateReturned Date populated from the Property screen > Returned Date field:
End DateEnd Date populated from the Tenancy screen > Vacated Date field:
Market RentMost recent tenant's current weekly rent from Tenancy > Rent Record > Market Rent field:
Weekly RentMost recent tenant's current weekly rent from Tenancy > Rent Record > Rent field:
Auto calculation from most recent tenant's current weekly rent from Tenancy > Rent Record > ASL 1 - ASL6 columns.
End Date Weekly RentWeekly Rent that was current as at the Vacated Date of the latest tenancy.
ASL1Most recent tenant's current weekly rent from Tenancy > Rent Record > ASL1 field:
ASL2Most recent tenant's current weekly rent from Tenancy > Rent Record > ASL2 field:
ASL3Most recent tenant's current weekly rent from Tenancy > Rent Record > ASL3 field:
Most recent tenant's current weekly rent from Tenancy > Rent Record > ASL4 field:
ASL5Most recent tenant's current weekly rent from Tenancy > Rent Record > ASL5 field:
ASL6Most recent tenant's current weekly rent from Tenancy > Rent Record > ASL6 field:
Rent Change DateMost recent tenant's current weekly rent from Tenancy > Rent Record > Start Date
Allocation TypeAllocated Type populated from the Program selected on the Property. Each program must have an Allocation Type selected in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Program > Allocation Type:
TransferTransfer populates from Tenancy > Transfer? box:Displays True if ticked, False if unticked.
Target GroupTarget Group populated from Property screen > Target Group field:

Family and Community Services (FaCS) AHO Report (NSW)

What is the FaCS AHO Report?

The AHO Report is submitted on a monthly basis by Aboriginal Housing organisations in New South Wales to Family and Community Services. 

NOTE: In order for the data to populate in the NSW FaCS NSW sections of the RA, several Reference Tables need to be set up, along with information entered into Properties and Tenancies. Check this solution to ensure your database is set up correctly: Preparing Chintaro for running the NSW AHO Report

Data Displayed
1 PropertyHeading Only
Property IDProperty ID populates from the Property screen > AHO ID:
AddressAddress populated from the Property Screen > Address field:
CityCity populated from the Property Screen > City field:
PostcodePostcode populated from the Property Screen > Postcode field:
ProgramProgram populated from the Property Screen > Program field:
2 Performance
3 OccupantHeading Only
Property IDProperty ID populates from the Property screen > AHO ID:
ProgramProgram populated from the Property Screen > Program field:
tIDAuto generated Tenancy ID:
RelationshipPopulated either Primary if Primary Tenant = Yes ticked on Client screen, otherwise, populates from the Client screen> Relationship to Tenant field:
Age YearsAuto calculation of years from Date of Birth to today.
Date of BirthDate of Birth populates from the Client screen > Date of Birth field:
Program IDProgram selected on Tenancy screen > Program field. ID generated from System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Program > ID column:
Gender IDGender selected on Client screen > Gender field. ID generated from System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Gender > ID column:
SpouseSpouse populates False if Client has Primary Tenant box = Yes; True if Primary Tenant on Client screen = No:
cIDAuto generated Client ID:

Transitional Housing Management (THM) Report (VIC)

What is the Transitional Housing Management Report?

The THM Report, also known as the Rent and Rebate report, or RRR, is a biannual report submitted by Victorian Chintaro users. The report captures an itemised account of each property that runs a THM program's rental transactions for a designated period and is submitted to Housing Victoria (Department of Families, Fairness and Housing). 

SectionDefinitionCalculationData Displayed
1 THM Rent and Rebate

2 THM Payments

3 THM Vacancy

4 THM Arrears Payments

General Lease Report (VIC)

What is the General Lease Report?

The General Lease Report is a biannual financial summary report submitted by Victorian Chintaro users. The report is submitted to Housing Victoria (Department of Families, Fairness and Housing). 

ColumnsData Displayed
Detailed Financial StatementHeading Only
ISIPISIP populates from the Property screen > ISIP/UPI:
Room Number
Room Number populated from Property > Room > Room Number field:
AddressAddress populated from the Property Screen > Address field:
TownTown populated from the Property Screen > City field:
Room StatusThe Status of the Room within the Start Date and End Date columns.
Start DateThe Start Date of the Room Status within the reporting period.
End DateThe End Date of the Room Status within the reporting period.
No of DaysThe number of days the Room was the status in the row.
Market RentPopulated from the Property > Room > Market Rent field on the Room Details screen:
Period MarketAuto Calculation of Market Rent divided by 7, then times by the number of days column.
Weekly RentPopulated from the Property > Room > Rent field on the Room Details screen:
Service FeeCharge with ID 100 in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Transaction Type.

Populated from the Property > Room > Service Fee field on the Room Details screen:

Utilities ChargeCharge with ID 98 in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Transaction Type

Populated from the Property > Room > Utilities Charge field on the Room Details screen:

Garden Charge
Charge with ID 99 in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Transaction Type

Populated from the Property > Room > Garden Charge field on the Room Details screen:
Additional Charge 1Charge with ID 95 in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Transaction Type

Populated from the Property > Room > Additional Charge 1 field on the Room Details screen:
Additional Charge 2
Charge with ID 96 in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Transaction Type

Populated from the Property > Room > Additional Charge 2 field on the Room Details screen:
Additional Charge 3
Charge with ID 97 in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Transaction Type

Populated from the Property > Room > Additional Charge 3 field on the Room Details screen:
Period Weekly RentAuto Calculation of the amount in the Weekly Rent column, divided by 7, then times by the number of days column.
Period Service Fee
Auto Calculation of the amount in the Transaction Type ID 100 column, divided by 7, then times by the number of days column.
Period Utilities FeeAuto Calculation of the amount in the Transaction Type ID 98 column, divided by 7, then times by the number of days column.
Period Additional Charge 1
Auto Calculation of the amount in the Transaction Type ID 95 column, divided by 7, then times by the number of days column.
Period Additional Charge 2
Auto Calculation of the amount in the Transaction Type ID 96 column, divided by 7, then times by the number of days column.
Period Additional Charge 3
Auto Calculation of the amount in the Transaction Type ID 97 column, divided by 7, then times by the number of days column.
Rent CollectedThe total of Rent Payments received within the reporting period dates. Based on Transaction Date received, and only counts those payments which are ticked as RepIncome in System Maintenance > Reference Tables > Transaction Type > RepIncome.
ProgramProgram populated from the Property Screen > Program field:
All Client IncomesHeading Only
Full Name
Income Type
Include as Income
End Date
Start Date
Given Name
Primary Tenant
Active Client Income

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