fClient | cTitle | Title | |
fClient | cACCRISID | CID | |
fClient | cGivenNames | Given Name | |
fClient | cSecondName | Second Name | |
fClient | cSurname | Surname | |
fClient | cKnownAsName | AKA | |
fClient | cGenderID | Gender | |
fClient | cReferralID | Referral | |
fClient | cRegistrationDate | Registration Date | |
fClient | cDateOfBirth | Date of Birth | |
fClient | Check507 | Primary Tenant = Yes | |
fClient | cRelated | Related Tenant | |
fClient | cAddress | Address | |
fClient | cCity | City | |
fClient | cState | State | |
fClient | cPostcode | Postcode | |
fClient | bCopy | Copy to Postal | |
fClient | cPostalAddress | Postal Address | |
fClient | cPostalCityID | Postal City | |
fClient | cPostalState | Postal State | |
fClient | cPostalPostcode | Postal Postcode | |
fClient | cContactPhone1 | Contact Phone 1 | |
fClient | cContactPhone2 | Contact Phone 2 | |
fClient | cEmail | ||
fClient | cDHSReg | Public Housing Registered | |
fClient | cOOHWaitListNum | Public Housing Wait List No | |
fClient | cDisability | Disability | |
fClient | cEmploymentID | Employment | |
fClient | cTargetGroupID | Target Group | |
fClient | cBand | Band | |
fClient | cBankAccount | Bank Account | |
fClient | cRentCalcAreaID | Rent Area Override | |
fClient | cComments | Comments | |
fClient | cCarOwner | Car Owner | |
fClient | cAustralianResident | Australian Resident | |
fClient | cSouthSeaIslander | South Sea Islander | |
fClient | cAboriginalorTSI | Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander | |
fClient | cCountryID1 | Country Where Born | |
fClient | cProficiencyEnglishSpokenID1 | Proficiency Spoken English | |
fClient | cProficiencyEnglishWrittenID1 | Proficiency Written English | |
fClient | cAboriginalityID | Aboriginality | |
fClient | cLanguageID1 | Main Language | |
fClient | bRentCalculator1 | Rent Calculator | |
fClient | bPrintIncome | Print Income History | |
fClient | bAddIncome1 | Add Income | |
fClientIncome | cIncomeTypeID | Income Type | |
fClientIncome | cAmount | Amount | |
fClientIncome | cAllowance | Allowance | |
fClientIncome | cRate | Rate | |
fClientIncome | cStartDate | Start Date | |
fClientIncome | cEndDate | End Date | |
fClientIncome | bAddDeduction | Add Deduction | |
fClientIncome | cComments | Comments | |
fClientIncome | cIncludeAsIncome | Include As Income | |
fClientIncome | cActive | Active Income | |
fClientIncome | bUpdate | Update | |
fClient | cCRN1 | CRN | |
fClient | cRentAssistanceID | CRA (Rent Assistance) | |
fClient | cProofIncome | Proof of Income | |
fClient | cCentrelink | Centrelink Income Authority | |
fClient | cApplyDisability | Apply Disability Allowance | |
fClient | cCentrePay | Centrepay Deduction | |
fClient | cCRAChanges | CRA Changes EVoR | |
fClient | bAddAgency1 | Add Agency | |
fClientSupportAgency | cSupportAgencyID | Support Agency | |
fClientSupportAgency | cContact | Contact Name | |
fClientSupportAgency | cPhone | Phone | |
fClientSupportAgency | cEmail | ||
fClientSupportAgency | cComments | Comments | |
fClientSupportAgency | cActive | Active Agency | |
fClientSupportAgency | bUpdate | Update | |
fClientSupportAgencyAdd | cName | Default Support Agency Name | |
fClientSupportAgencyAdd | cContact | Default Support Agency Contact | |
fClientSupportAgencyAdd | cPhoneNumber | Default Support Agency Phone | |
fClientSupportAgencyAdd | cEmail | Default Support Agency Email | |
fClientSupportAgencyAdd | bUpdate | Update Support Agency | |
fClientSupportAgencyAdd | bCancel | Cancel | |
fClient | bAddAlert | Add Alert | |
fClientAlerts | cAlert | Available Alerts | |
fClientAlerts | bAdd | Add Alert | |
fClientAlerts | bRemove | Remove Alert | |
fClientAlerts | cSelected | Selected Alerts | |
fClientAlerts | bUpdate | Exit Alerts | |
fClient | bAddTag | Add Tag | |
fClientTags | cTag | Available Tags | |
fClientTags | bAdd | Add Tag | |
fClientTags | bRemove | Remove Tag | |
fClientTags | cSelected | Selected Tags | |
fClientTags | bUpdate | Exit Tags | |
fClient | bActionUpdate | Add Action | |
fClient | bAddLink | Add Link | |
fClientRelatedLinks | cLinkName | Link Name | |
fClientRelatedLinks | cLink | Link | |
fClientRelatedLinks | bCancel | Exit | |
fClientNote | cNoteDate | Note Date | |
fClientNote | cNoteTypeID | Note Type | |
fClientNote | cNoteTitle | Note Title | |
fClientNote | cNoteDefault | Note Default | |
fClientNote | cNoteBody | Note Body | |
fClientNote | bAdd | Add/Edit Link | |
fClientNote | cTimeSpent | Time Spent Mins | |
fClientNote | cSticky | Sticky? | |
fClientNote | cAction | Action? | |
fClientNote | cActionDate | Action Date | |
fClientNote | cUser | Action On | |
fClientNote | cActionTypeID | Action Type | |
fClientNote | cActionNote | Action Note | |
fClientNote | cActionCompleted | Completed? | |
fClientNote | cTransfer | Transfer This Note? | |
fClientNote | bxTransferBuffer | Transfer to Client Notes Buffer | |
fClientNote | bTransfer | Transfer to Selected Client | |
fClientNote | cCopy | Copy This Note? | |
fClientNote | bCopy | Copy to Selected Clients | |
fClientNote | bTenancy | Close and go to Tenancy | |
fClientNote | bPrint | ||
fClientNote | bEmail | ||
fClientNote | bUpdate | Update | |
fClient | bEditBarring | Barring | |
fClient | bHistory | Housing History | |
fClientHousingHistory | cHousingAreaID | Area Currently Living | |
fClientHousingHistory | cHousingSituationID | Current Housing Situation | |
fClientHousingHistory | cHousingLengthWeeks | Weeks in Current Housing | |
fClientHousingHistory | cHousingMoves | Number housing moves in last 5 years | |
fClientHousingHistory | cHousingBefore | Lived in Community Housing Before | |
fClientHousingHistory | cHousingAssessmentID | Housing History Assessment | |
fClient | bTag | SA Data / Tags | |
fClient | bSMS | SMS | |
fClientSMS | cClientNote | Create Client Note | |
fClientSMS | cContactPhone1 | Contact Phone 1 | |
fClientSMS | cContactPhone2 | Contact Phone 2 | |
fClientSMS | cMobileNumber | Mobile Number | |
fClientSMS | cNoteTitle | Note Title | |
fClientSMS | cTextMessage | Message | |
fClientSMS | cSender | Sender | |
fClientSMS | bSend | Send SMS | |
fClientSMS | bClose | Exit | |
fClient | bEmail | ||
fClientEmail | cClientNote | Create Client Note | |
fClientEmail | cAttachment1 | Attachment 1 | |
fClientEmail | bAttach1 | Attachment 1 Ellipsis | |
fClientEmail | cAttachment2 | Attachment 2 | |
fClientEmail | bAttach2 | Attachment 2 Ellipsis | |
fClientEmail | cAttachment3 | Attachment 3 | |
fClientEmail | bAttach3 | Attachment 3 Ellipsis | |
fClientEmail | cAttachment4 | Attachment 4 | |
fClientEmail | bAttach4 | Attachment 4 Ellipsis | |
fClientEmail | cSubject | Subject | |
fClientEmail | cTextMessage | Message | |
fClientEmail | bSend | Send Email | |
fClientEmail | bClose | Exit | |
fClient | bWordMerge | Word Merge | |
fClientWordMerge | cClientNote | Create Client Note | |
fClientWordMerge | cAction | Select Word Template | |
fClientWordMerge | bAction | Word Merge | |
fClientWordMerge | bCancel | Exit | |
fClient | bResidency | Residency Links | |
fClientResidencySub2 | cCityID | City | |
fClientResidencySub2 | cStartDate | Start Date | |
fClientResidencySub2 | cEndDate | End Date | |
fClientResidencySub2 | cActive | Active | |
fClient | bBooking | Make Booking | |
fClient | bNextOfKin | Next of Kin | |
fClient | bConfirmed | Confirmed | |
fClient | bIncomeDetails | Income Details | |
fClien | bWaitingList | Waiting List | |
fClient | bTenancy | View Tenancy/Create Tenancy | |
fClient | bAudit | Audit | |
fClient | cActive | Active Client? |
fProperty | cPropertyName | Property Name | |
fProperty | cAccountNumber | Account Number | |
fProperty | cISIP | ISIP/CPG | |
fProperty | cAddress | Address | |
fProperty | cCity | City | |
fProperty | cState | State | |
fProperty | cPostcode | Postcode | |
fProperty | cRegionID | Region | |
fProperty | cRegistrationDate | Registration Date | |
fProperty | cReturnedDate | Returned Date | |
fProperty | cTargetGroupID | Target Group | |
fProperty | cProgramID | Program | |
fProperty | cPropertyTypeID | Property Type | |
fProperty | cPropertySourceID | Property Source | |
fProperty | cConstructionType | Construction Type | |
fProperty | cLandArea | Land Area | |
fProperty | cPropertyValuation | Valuation | |
fProperty | cLastValued | Last Valuation Date | |
fProperty | cChargedTo | Charged To | |
fProperty | cBedrooms | Num Bedrooms | |
fProperty | cNumberOfToilets | Num Toilets | |
fProperty | cNumberOfBathrooms | Num Bathrooms | |
fProperty | cGarage | Garage (Cars) | |
fProperty | cCarPort | Carport (Cars) | |
fProperty | cLandlordID | Property Manager | |
fProperty | cOwnerID | Owner | |
fProperty | cTenureID | Head Contractor | |
fProperty | cCostCentreID | Cost Centre | |
fProperty | cFunding | Funding | |
fProperty | cProjectCodeID | Project Code | |
fProperty | cNomRightsID | Nomination Rights | |
fProperty | cStrataCompanyID | Strata Company | |
fProperty | cRentCalcAreaID | Rent Calculator Override | |
fProperty | cHotWater | Water | |
fProperty | cStove | Stove | |
fProperty | cHeating | Heating | |
fProperty | cNRASDwellingID | NRAS Dwelling ID | |
fProperty | cSewerage | Sewerage | |
fProperty | cPower | Power | |
fProperty | cWater | Water | |
fProperty | cNRASDate | NRAS Date | |
fProperty | cComments | Comments | |
fProperty | cIRRSP | IRRS | |
fProperty | cInputTaxed | Input Taxed | |
fProperty | cActive | Active? | |
fProperty | bAddRoom | Add Room | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cRoomNumber | Room Number | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cUPI | UPI | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cRoomTypeID | Room Type | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cNomRightsID | Nomination Rights | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cPaymentBookID | Payment Book ID | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cRoomStatusID | Room Status | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cCurrentRent | Current Rent | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cLastInspection | Last Inspection | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cIntervalTypeID | Inspection Interval | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cNextInspection | Next Inspection | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cInspectionTypeID | Inspection Type | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cStartDate | Was Unavailable From | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cEndDate | Until | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | bRestore | Make This / Restore to VT | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cBookable | Bookable? | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | cActive | Active | |
fPropertyRoomDetails | bCancel | Update | |
fProperty | bAddAlert | Add/Edit Alert | |
fPropertyAlerts | cAlert | Available List | |
fPropertyAlerts | bAdd | Add Alert | |
fPropertyAlerts | bRemove | Remove Alert | |
fPropertyAlerts | cSelected | Property List | |
fPropertyAlerts | bUpdate | Update | |
fPropertyTags | bAddTag | Add/Edit Tag | |
fPropertyTags | cTag | Available Tags | |
fPropertyTags | bAdd | Add Tag | |
fPropertyTags | bRemove | Remove Tag | |
fPropertyTags | cSelected | Property List | |
fPropertyTags | bUpdate | Exit | |
fProperty | bAddMods | Add/Edit Mods | |
fPropertyDisabilityMods | cResearch | Available List | |
fPropertyDisabilityMods | bAdd | Add Tag | |
fPropertyDisabilityMods | bRemove | Remove Tag | |
fPropertyDisabilityMods | cSelected | Property List | |
fPropertyDisabilityMods | bUpdate | Exit | |
fProperty | bAdd | Add/Edit Cons | |
fPropertyConstruction | cResearch | Available List | |
fPropertyConstruction | bAdd | Add Tag | |
fPropertyConstruction | bRemove | Remove Tag | |
fPropertyConstruction | cSelected | Selected Tags | |
fPropertyConstruction | bUpdate | Exit | |
fProperty | bUtils | Add/Edit Utils | |
fPropertyUtilities | cTag | Available List | |
fPropertyUtilities | bAdd | Add Tag | |
fPropertyUtilities | bRemove | Remove Tag | |
fPropertyUtilities | cSelected | Property List | |
fPropertyUtilities | bUpdate | Exit | |
fProperty | bAlts | Add/Edit Alts | |
fPropertyTenancyAlterations | cResearch | Available List | |
fPropertyTenancyAlterations | bAdd | Add Tag | |
fPropertyTenancyAlterations | bRemove | Remove Tag | |
fPropertyTenancyAlterations | cSelected | Property List | |
fPropertyTenancyAlterations | bUpdate | Exit | |
fProperty | bAddLink | Add Related Link | |
fPropertyRelatedLinks | cLinkName | Link Name | |
fPropertyRelatedLinks | cLink | Add Link | |
fProperty | bAddNote | Add Note | |
fPropertyNote | cNoteDate | Note Date | |
fPropertyNote | cNoteTypeID | Note Type | |
fPropertyNote | cNoteTitle | Note Title | |
fPropertyNote | cNoteDefault | Default Note | |
fPropertyNote | cNoteBody | Note Body | |
fPropertyNote | bAdd | Add Hyperlink | |
fPropertyNote | cHyperlink | Hyperlink | |
fPropertyNote | cTimeSpent | Time Spent Mins | |
fPropertyNote | cSticky | Sticky? | |
fPropertyNote | cAction | Action? | |
fPropertyNote | cActionDate | Action Date | |
fPropertyNote | cUser | Action By | |
fPropertyNote | cActionTypeID | Action Type | |
fPropertyNote | cActionNote | Action Note | |
fPropertyNote | cActionCompleted | Completed | |
fPropertyNote | cTransfer | Transfer this Note? | |
fPropertyNote | bTransferBuffer | Transfer to Property Notes Buffer | |
fPropertyNote | bTransfer | Transfer to Selected Property | |
fPropertyNote | cCopy | Copy This Note? | |
fPropertyNote | bCopy | Copy to selected Property(s) | |
fPropertyNote | bPrint | ||
fPropertyNote | bEmail | ||
fPropertyNote | bUpdate | Add/Update | |
fPropertyNote | bCancel | Exit | |
fPropertyNote | bInspections | Inspections | |
fProperty | bKeys | Keys | |
fProperty | bAddKey | Add Key | |
fProperty | bInventory | Inventory | |
fProperty | bAddInventory | Add Inventory Item | |
fInventory | cItemName | Item Name | |
fInventory | cSerialNumber | Serial Number | |
fInventory | cLocation | Location | |
fInventory | cEquipmentID | Item Type | |
fInventory | cEquipmentTypeID | Item Group | |
fInventory | cTradeType | Trade Type | |
fInventory | cMaintenanceType | Maintenance Type | |
fInventory | cWorksType | Works Type | |
fInventory | cTradesperson | Tradesperson | |
fInventory | cUrgent | Urgent? | |
fInventory | cEstimatedAmount | Estimated Amount | |
fInventory | cMake | Make | |
fInventory | cModel | Model | |
fInventory | cCapacity | Capacity | |
fInventory | cSupplier | Supplier | |
fInventory | cPurchaseDate | Purchase Date | |
fInventory | cPurchasePrice | Purchase Price | |
fInventory | cReplacementDate | Replacement Date | |
fInventory | cReplacementCost | Replacement Cost | |
fInventory | cWarrantyExpire | Warranty Expiry | |
fInventory | cLatestScheduledDate | Next Scheduled Date | |
fInventory | cComments | Maintenance Instructions | |
fInventory | cDetails | Work Completed | |
fInventory | cAccessInstructions | Access Instructions | |
fInventory | cCycleID | Maintenance Cycle | |
fInventory | cStartDate | First Maintenance | |
fInventory | cOrderNumber | Work Order Number | |
fInventorySub2 | cLinkID | Link Name | |
fInventorySub2 | cLinkType | Hyperlink | |
fProperty | bMortgage | Mortgage | |
fProperty | bInsurance | Insurance | |
fProperty | bLeaseDetails | Lease Details | |
fProperty | cLeaseStartDate | Lease Start Date | |
fProperty | cLeaseEndDate | Lease End Date | |
fProperty | cLeaseTerm | Lease Term | |
fProperty | cPayment | Lease Payment | |
fProperty | cPaymentFrequency | Payment Frequency | |
fProperty | cPaymentStatus | Payment Status | |
fProperty | cBondReference | Bond Reference | |
fProperty | cBondRegistration | Bond Registration | |
fProperty | cBondAmount | Bond Amount | |
fProperty | cBondLodged | Bond Lodged | |
fProperty | cTransferLodged | Transferred Date | |
fProperty | cBondComment | Bond Comments | |
fProperty | cRefundRequired | Refund Required | |
fProperty | cRefundLodged | Refund Lodged | |
fProperty | cRefundReasonID | Refund Reason | |
fProperty | bRates | Rates | |
fProperty | bNRSData | Reporting | |
fProperty | cNRSAddress | NRS Address | |
fProperty | cNRSCity | NRS City | |
fProperty | cNRSState | NRS State | |
fProperty | cNRSPostcode | NRS Postcode | |
fProperty | cNRSLGA | NRS LGA | |
fProperty | cNRSCertificateOfTitle | NRS Certificate of Title | |
fProperty | cNRSISIP | NRS ISIP | |
fProperty | cNRSOwnershipID | Ownership | |
fProperty | cNRSManagedBy | Managed by other registered ch provider | |
fProperty | cNRSManagingAgency | Managing Agency | |
fProperty | cNRSOwnerID | Owner | |
fProperty | cNRSVestedInterest | State Housing Agency vested interest | |
fProperty | cNRSVestedInterestState | Which State | |
fProperty | cNRSAccommodationTypeID | Housing Use Type | |
fProperty | cNRSAssetClassID | Asset Class | |
fProperty | cNRSYearConstructed | Year Constructed | |
fProperty | cNRSYearAcquired | Year Acquired | |
fProperty | cNRSReturnedDate | Returned Date | |
fProperty | cNRSMaintenanceLiabilityID | Maintenance Liability | |
fProperty | cNRSProviderID | Provider ID | |
fProperty | cMarketRentMethod | Market Rent Method | |
fProperty | bCharges | Property Charges | |
fProperty | bMaintSchedule | Maintenance | |
fProperty | bForecast | Forecast | |
fProperty | bAHO | Additional Details | |
fProperty | cAssetConditionID | Property Condition | |
fProperty | bOtherRooms | Other Rooms | |
fProperty | bRoomDetails | Room Details | |
fProperty | bShowLedger | Property Transactions | |
fPropertyTransaction | cTxnTypeID | Transaction Type | |
fPropertyTransaction | cTxnDate | Transaction Date | |
fPropertyTransaction | cTxnAmount | Transaction Amount | |
fPropertyTransaction | cGSTAmount | GST Amount | |
fPropertyTransaction | cInvoiceNumber | Invoice Number | |
fPropertyTransaction | cChequeNum | Cheque Number | |
fPropertyTransaction | cComments | Comments | |
fPropertyTransaction | cCheckTransfer | Transfer This Transaction | |
fPropertyTransaction | bTransfer | Transfer to Selected Property | |
fPropertyTransaction | bTransferBuffer | Transfer to Buffer Account | |
fPropertyTransaction | bUpdate | Update/Add | |
fPropertyTransaction | bCancel | Exit |
fTenancy | bClient | Client Details: | |
fTenancy | bSwapPrimary | Swap Primary Tenant | |
fTenancy | bPhone | Phone Numbers | |
fTenancy | bRent | Edit Rent: | |
fTenancy | bEditDate | Tenancy Start Date | |
fTenancy | bVacatedDate | Edit Date | |
fTenancy | cACCRISStartDate | Actual Start Date | |
fTenancy | cPaymentBookId | Payment Book ID | |
fTenancy | cTransfer | Transfer? | |
![]() | fTenancy | cSubsidy | Subsidy |
fTenancy | cPaymentArrangementID | Payment Type | |
fTenancy | cExitDate | Expected Exit Date | |
fTenancy | cLastInspection | Last Inspection | |
fTenancy | cNextInspection | Next Inspection | |
fTenancy | cLastRentReviewDate | Last Rent Review | |
fTenancy | cRentReviewDate | Next Rent Review | |
fTenancy | cLandlordID | Tenancy Manager | |
fTenancy | cTenancyTypeID | Program | |
![]() | fTenancy | cApplicationNumber | Band / Application Number |
fTenancy | cReasonID | Leaving Reason | |
fTenancy | cExitPointID | Exit Point | |
fTenancy | cVacancyOutcomeID | Exit Outcome | |
fTenancy | cInductionComplete | Induction Complete? | |
fTenancy | cSignedAgreement | Signed Agreement? | |
fTenancy | cComments | Comments | |
fTenancySub4 | bAddWaterCharge | Enter Water Charge | |
fTenancySub4 | bExportSearch | Export Transactions | |
fTenancySub4 | bAddTxn | Enter Tenancy Transaction | |
fTenancyTransactionEdit | cCheckTransfer | Transfer This Transaction | |
fTenancy | bGenerateRent | Generate Rent | |
fTenancy | bReporting | Reporting | |
fTenancy | cHPFTenancyTypeID | HPF Tenancy | |
fTenancy | cCSHATenancyTypeID | NAHA/EVoR Type | |
fTenancy | cHomeless | NAHA/EVoR Was Tenant Homeless | |
fTenancy | cGreatestNeed | NAHA/EVoR Was Household in the Greatest Need | |
fTenancy | cCHACAReviewDate | CHACA Last Eligibility Review Date | |
fTenancy | cCHACAEligible | CHACA Ongoing Availability | |
fTenancy | cCHACASocialHousing | CHACA Social Housing Tenancy Last 24 Months | |
fTenancy | Check804 | CHACA Able to Sustain Housing Private Market | |
fTenancy | cCHACASustainAssisted | CHACA Assisted to sustain housing in private market | |
fTenancy | cNeedSupport | CHACA Identified Need of Support | |
fTenancy | cNeedSupportReferred | CHACA Referred to external service | |
fTenancy | cReceivedSupport | CHACA Need support, received support from this Provider | |
fTenancy | cDisruptiveBehaviour | CHACA Engaged Disruptive Behaviour | |
fTenancy | cBehaviourAddressed | CHACA Disruptive Behaviour Successfully Addressed | |
fTenancy | cCHACAAssisted | CHACA Assisted Tenancy | |
fTenancy | cHASI | CaPMH HASI | |
fTenancy | cSignedAgreement1 | CaPMH Support Agreement | |
fTenancy | cTransfer1 | CaPMH Internal Transfer | |
fTenancy | cPHTransferFrom | CaPMH Transfer from Public Housing or another Community Housing Provider | |
fTenancy | cLeaseTypeID | Lease Type | |
fTenancy | bBalanceToday | Balance As At Today | |
fTenancy | bDE | Direct Debit | |
fTenancy | cDELastProcessDate | Last Processed Date | |
fTenancy | cDENextProcessDate | Next Process Dare | |
fTenancy | Check32 | Debit Frequency Weekly | |
fTenancy | Check34 | Debit Frequency Fortnightly | |
fTenancy | cDEBSB | BSB | |
fTenancy | cDEAccountNumber | Account Number | |
fTenancy | cDEAmount | Debit Amount | |
fTenancy | cDEActive | Active Debit | |
fTenancy | bMulti | Payment Arrangements | |
fTenancy | Check712 | Frequency Weekly | |
fTenancy | Check714 | Frequency Fortnightly | |
fTenancy | cSplitType | Transaction Type | |
fTenancy | cSplitAmount | Split Amount | |
fTenancy | cSplitStartDate | Start Date | |
fTenancy | cSplitComment | Comment | |
fTenancy | cSplitType1 | Transaction Type 1 | |
fTenancy | cSplitAmount1 | Split Amount 1 | |
fTenancy | cSplitStartDate1 | Start Date 1 | |
fTenancy | cSplitComment1 | Comment 1 | |
fTenancy | cSplitType2 | Transaction Type 2 | |
fTenancy | cSplitAmount2 | Split Amount 2 | |
fTenancy | cSplitStartDate2 | Start Date 2 | |
fTenancy | cSplitComment2 | Comment 2 | |
fTenancy | cSplitType3 | Transaction Type 3 | |
fTenancy | cSplitAmount3 | Split Amount 3 | |
fTenancy | cSplitStartDate3 | Start Date 3 | |
fTenancy | cSplitComment3 | Comment 3 | |
fTenancy | cSplitType4 | Transaction Type 4 | |
fTenancy | cSplitAmount4 | Split Amount 4 | |
fTenancy | cSplitStartDate4 | Start Date 4 | |
fTenancy | cSplitComment4 | Comment 4 | |
fTenancy | bSMS | SMS | |
fTenancy | bEmail | ||
fTenancy | bWordMerge | Word Merge | |
fTenancy | bLease | Lease Details | |
fTenancy | bBond | Bond Transactions | |
fTenancy | bPrintBond | Print Bond Statement | |
fTenancy | bAddTxn | Enter Bond Transaction | |
fTenancy | cBondReference | Bond Reference | |
fTenancy | cBondRegistration | Bond Registration | |
fTenancy | cBondAmount | Bond Amount | |
fTenancy | cBondLodged | Bond Lodged Date | |
fTenancy | cTransferLodged | Transferred Date | |
fTenancy | cBondLoan | Bond Loan | |
fTenancy | cBondComment | Bond Comment | |
fTenancy | cRefundRequired | Refund Required | |
fTenancy | cRefundLodged | Refund Lodged | |
fTenancy | cRefundReasonID | Refund Reason | |
fTenancy | bTenancyTransactions | Tenancy Transactions | |
fTenancy | bPrintStatement | Print Statement | |
fTenancy | bRentCalculator | Rent Calculator | |
fTenancy | bActivate | Vacate | |
fTenancy | bAddAlert | Add/Edit Alert | |
fTenancy | bAddTag | Add/Edit Tag | |
fTenancy | bActionUpdate | Add Action | |
fTenancy | bAddLink | Add Link | |
fTenancy | bNoteHistory | Print Note History | |
fTenancy | bAddNote | Add Note | |
fClientNote | cNoteDate | Note Date | |
fClientNote | cNoteTypeID | Note Type | |
fClientNote | cNoteTitle | Note Title | |
fClientNote | cNoteBody | Note Body | |
fClientNote | cHyperlink | Add Link | |
fClientNote | cSticky | Sticky Note | |
fClientNote | cActionCompleted | Completed | |
fClientNote | cTransfer | Transfer This Note | |
fClientNote | cTransferBuffer | Transfer To Buffer | |
fClientNote | bTransfer | Transfer to Client | |
fClientNote | cCopy | Copy This Note | |
fClientNote | bCopy | Copy to Client | |
fClientNote | bTenancy | Close and Go To Tenancy | |
fClientNote | bPrint | ||
fClientNote | bEmail | ||
fClientNote | bUpdate | Update | |
fTenancy | bAudit | Tenancy Audit | |
fTenancy | cApplyRentCap | Apply Rent Cap | |
fTenancy | cActive | Active |
fMaintenance | bViewProperty | Go to Property | |
fMaintenance | cPropertyIDFilter | Select Property | |
fMaintenance | cInventoryID | Inventory Item | |
fMaintenance | cMaintenanceTypeID | Maintenance Type | |
fMaintenance | cLocationID | Location | |
fMaintenance | cRoomID | Room | |
fMaintenance | cEquipmentID | Item Type | |
fMaintenance | cEquipmentTypeID | Item Group | |
fMaintenance | cWorksTypeID | Works Type | |
fMaintenance | cTradeID | Trade Type | |
fMaintenance | bViewTrade | View Tradesperson Details | |
fMaintenance | cTradesPeopleID | Tradesperson | |
fMaintenance | cEmailCC | Email CC | |
fMaintenance | cUrgent | Urgency | |
fMaintenance | cCreatedBy | Created By | |
fMaintenance | cHousingWorker | Housing Worker | |
fMaintenance | cTenantsPermission | Tenants Permission | |
fMaintenance | cTenantDamage | Tenant Damage | |
fMaintenance | cDamageType | Damage Type | |
fMaintenance | cTenantCharged | Tenant Charged | |
fMaintenance | cTenantInvoice | Tenant Invoice | |
fMaintenance | bCopyTenant | Copy Tenant Details | |
fMaintenance | cTenantName | Tenant Name | |
fMaintenance | cTenantPhone | Tenant Phone | |
fMaintenance | cAvailability | Tenant Availability | |
fMaintenance | cComments | Instructions | |
fMaintenance | cAccessInstructions | Access | |
fMaintenance | cAlerts | Tradesperson Alerts | |
fMaintenance | cReportedDate | Reported Date | |
fMaintenance | cScheduledDate | Scheduled Start Date | |
fMaintenance | cActualStartDate | Actual Start Date | |
fMaintenance | cScheduledCompletionDate1 | Scheduled Completion Date | |
fMaintenance | cOrderNumber | Order Number | |
fMaintenance | cSCOrderNumber | Tradesperson Order Number | |
fMaintenance | bAddLink | Add/Edit Link | |
fMaintenance | bCreateTxn | Create Property Transaction | |
fMaintenance | bCreateNote | Create Property Note | |
fMaintenance | bPrint | Send Work Order To... | |
fMaintenance | cQuotation | Quotation | |
fMaintenance | cOrderStatus | Status | |
fMaintenance | cTemplate | Template | |
fMaintenance | cActive | Active Task | |
fMaintenance | bSMSTradesperson | SMS Tradesperson | |
fMaintenance | bSMSTenant | SMS Tenant | |
fMaintenance | bForecast | Forecast Task | |
fMaintenance | bTask | Completion Details | |
fMaintenance | bCopy | Copy This Task | |
fMaintenance | cScheduledCompletionDate | Scheduled Completion Date | |
fMaintenance | cCompletedDate | Actual Completion Date | |
fMaintenance | cPaidDate | Invoice Paid | |
fMaintenance | cTenantConfirmation | Tenant Confirmation | |
fMaintenance | cDetails | Works Completed | |
fMaintenance | cTimeSpent | Time Spent Mins | |
fMaintenance | cBatch | GL Batch Number | |
fMaintenance | cInvoiceNumber | Invoice Number | |
fMaintenance | cCompletedSatisfactorily | Completed Satisfactorily | |
fMaintenance | cConfirmedForPayment | Confirmed for Payment | |
fMaintenance | cProblemID | Problem | |
fMaintenance | cCauseID | Cause | |
fMaintenance | cRemedyID | Remedy | |
fMaintenance | cEstimatedAmount | Estimated Cost | |
fMaintenance | cEstimatedGST | Estimated GST | |
fMaintenance | cBudgetAmount | Budget Cost | |
fMaintenance | cBudgetGST | Budget GST | |
fMaintenance | cActualAmount | Actual Cost | |
fMaintenance | cActualGST | Actual GST | |
fMaintenance | bAdd | Add New Task | |
fMaintenance | bUpdate | Update | |
fMaintenance | bAddNote | Add Note | |
fMaintenance | bShowAllSub2 | Show All | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cNoteDate | Note Date | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cNoteTypeID | Note Type | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cNoteTitle | Note Title | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cNoteBody | Note Body | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | bAdd | Add/Edit Link | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cHyperlink | Add Link | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cTimeSpent | Time Spent | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cSticky | Sticky? | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cAction | Action? | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cActionDate | Action Date | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cUser | Action By | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cActionTypeID | Action Type | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cActionNote | Action Note | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | bPrint | ||
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | bEmailTradesperson | Email Tradesperson | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | bEmail | Email Tenancy Managers | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | bUpdate | Update | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cActionCompleted | Completed | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cTransfer | Transfer this Note | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | bTransferBuffer | Transfer to Property Maintenance Notes Buffer | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | bTransfer | Transfer to Selected Maint Task | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | cCopy | Copy This Note | |
fPropertyMaintenanceNote | bCopy | Copy to Selected Property Maint Tasks |
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