What's new in the January 2021 release?

Modified on Tue, 18 May, 2021 at 3:06 PM

This solution details the enhancements made to the January 2021 version of Chintaro. The changes in this release are for the SQL version only.

Chintaro SQL Enhancements

Chintaro Insights

The January 2021 release of Chintaro includes Chintaro Insights, the web-based Business Intelligence platform that uses your Chintaro data to present an overall view of your business, and allows you to analyse, or "drill-down" into, the data that is used to calculate your performance indicators. For more information about Chintaro Insights, click this link: Chintaro Insights Explained

Client Enhancements:

  • Client DOB invalid warning message: Previously, Chintaro would allow an invalid date of birth to be entered (EG in year 2088 or 1679). Message now appears warning you to change as it will affect reporting:
  • 'Time Spent' added to Manage Client Notes: Previously removed, this column has been added back to the Manage Client Notes screen
  • 'Created By' added to Manage Client Notes: This column is exported as 'Note Originator' in the screen export from the Manage Client Notes screen
  • Rent Calculator Enhancements: Users now have the ability to; edit the Market Rent used in the Rent Calculation, record the amount of Service Fee and track the amount of rent that is subsidised.
  • Rich Text Format and Plain Text Format options added to Notes: Previously, Users were having issues copying text from an email to a note in Chintaro. These options will allow you to view the text if it's not visible.

Tenancy Enhancements:

  • Added the option to give NonRent priority in splits to SQL: The Access version of Chintaro has the ability to set a NonRent priority so that splits will occur even if rent is not fully covered by the amount of the payment. This has been added to the SQL version of Chintaro
  • Current Rent Field added to the Manage Tenancy screen:  The Current Rent rate is selected by today's date  
  • Payment Cycle Field added to the Manage Tenancy screen: Weekly or Fortnightly payment from the Tenancy> Payment Arrangements screen
  • Last Payment Detail Fields added to the Tenancy Balances screen: Last Payment Date, Last Payment Amount, and Last Payment type. These columns display the details of the last Rent payment type.
  • New field added on the Tenancy> Lease Details screen - Tenancy: Displays the tenant's surname and first name.
  • Tenancy SMS screen: City field added
  • New fields added to Arrears Management screen: BalanceToday, BalanceTodayNonRent, Balance Today Rent. These display the Arrears as seen on the individual Tenancy.

Waiting List Enhancements:

  • Manage Waiting List Screen: Current Housing Type field added to the Manage Waiting List screen. The Access version of Chintaro has the ability to set a NonRent priority so that splits will occur even if rent is not fully covered by the amount of the payment. This has been added to the SQL version of Chintaro

Finance Enhancements:

  • Performance Improvement to Tenancy Bond screen: Sped up the opening of the Tenancy Bond screen in Finance and improved the performance of filtering when in the screen. Finance > Manage Bonds
  • Improved logic for matching Payment Book ID in middle of string for NAB Bask Import: Now able to match on a code with 5 digits (3 letters and 2 numbers with no space) anywhere in the description string.
  • New file format for ANZ BPAY: New format was added to recognise BPAY files for importing.
  • Adjustment to GL Export format: Added the Property address in the export
  • Tenancy transactions calculate GST:  GST is now calculated from the transaction amount when the transaction type is ticked for GST in the reference table: System Maintenance> Reference Tables> Transaction Type> GST?
  • Property transactions calculate GST:  GST is now calculated from the transaction amount when the transaction type is ticked for GST in the reference table: System Maintenance> Reference Tables> Transaction Type Property> GST?

Property Enhancements:

  • Inactive Inventory Items removed from Property > Inventory screen: Only Active Inventory Items will appear on the Property screen by default, but can be viewed by unticking 'Active' column filter. Properties > Manage Properties > Inventory.
  • 'Age of ceiling insulation' changed to 'Age of underfloor insulation': Under the Insulation section for underfloor, 'ceiling' was referenced incorrectly. Property > Insulation > Underfloor insulation
  • New field: Oven Type added to the Property Screen with the property Services fields:

  • New field on Inventory Items screen: Estimated Amount
  • Property screen> Keys screen: Comments Field added to columns displayed on the list of keys. 
  • New column added to Manage Properties Screen: 'Last Inspection Date' added. Properties > Manage Properties
  • New column added to Manage Rooms Screen: 'Property ID' added. Properties > Manage Rooms
  • 'Balance As At' enhancement in Arrears Management screen: This now reflects

Reports and Exports Enhancements:

  • Centrepay Codes Updated in Centrepay Changes Report: Report now shows updated Centrepay Codes. Reports and Exports > Reports > Finance > Centrepay Arrangement Changes
  • Performance Optimisation in Transaction inc Bond Report: Report now runs faster. Reports and Exports > Reports > Finance > Transaction Summary including Bond (Date Range)
  • New Field Added to Tenancy Balances by Txn Group As At Date Export: Export now includes 'Program' field. Reports and Exports > Exports > Tenancies > Tenancy Balances by Txn Group
  • New Field Added to Forecast Maintenance Detail Export: Export now includes 'OrderNumber' field. Reports and Exports > Exports > Property & Maintenance > Forecast Maintenance Detail
  • New field 'Vacant?' added to the NRS reporting: The 'Vacant' tickbox from the maintenance task screen is added to the NRS 2.2 screens Reports and Exports> Statutory Reporting Analyser> NRS> 2> 2.2
  • HPF Maintenance Report (VIC reports): Now excludes Maintenance Tasks with the order status of Cancelled. See more details in this article:  How to cancel a Maintenance Task Reports and Exports> VIC reports> HPF Maintenance Reporting
  • Removed Forecast Maintenance Tasks from KPM reports: Forecast Maintenance tasks were previously included in KPM 9.1, 9.2, 10.1 and 10.2. Forecast Tasks are no longer included (Reports > Statutory Reporting Analyser)
  • New Export: Reports and Exports > VIC Reports > General Lease Financial Report. This replaces HPF Reporting
  • New Export: Reports and Exports > VIC Reports > General Lease Maintenance Report. This replaces HPF Maintenance Reporting

Maintenance Enhancements:

  • Increased Functionality for Maintenance Reference Tables: Maintenance Type now appears in Item Type Reference table, Item Group included in Works Type Reference Table
  • Improved Data Checking for Program Names: Program names with apostrophes cause errors when scheduling inspections. Apostrophes will be removed and cannot be saved in new Program names.
  • Added additional information for deleted Maintenance Tasks on the Audit screen: Added the Property Name and Work Order Number to the Audit screen when a Maintenance Task is deleted 
  • 'Property Status' added to the Manage Maintenance screen: Column that shows if the property is Occupied (green), Partially Occupied (Orange), or Vacant (red)
  • 'Vacant' tickbox added to the Maintenance Task screen: This box may be ticked on Maintenance Tasks when a property is vacant.
  • New column 'Vacant' added to the Manage Maintenance Tasks screen: This column displays the 'Vacant' field on the Maintenance Task records.
  • Incomplete Maintenance Tasks on the Home screen show the number of vacant properties separately: The count of vacant tasks is based on the Vacant tickbox on the Maintenance Task screen. 

Complaints Enhancements:

  • Complainant field added: Now able to record who the individual raising the complaint was

Views Enhancements:

  • Ability to delete Global views: Users can now delete Global Views. System Maintenance > Manage Saved Views 

Word Merge Enhancements:

  • Word Merge Plus: New features for Word Merge throughout Chintaro that provides users with increased word merge functionality. Click this link to learn more about Using Word Merge Plus in Chintaro

  • Tenancy Word Merge: New field for Smoke Detector Last Checked - SmokeDetectorLastChe - added
  • Tenancy Word Merge: New field for the Rent Balance - RentBalanceAsAtToday - added
  • Tenancy Word Merge: New fields for Owner details - Owner, Owner_Address, Owner_City, Owner_PostCode, Owner_State, Owner_Phone  - added
  • Tenancy Word Merge: New field for Support Agency - SupportAgencies - added
  • Tenancy Word Merge: New field for date rent is paid to - RentPaidTo - added
  • Tenancy Word Merge: New field for vacating date - EndDate - added
  • Tenancy Word Merge: New field for date of the last rent payment - LastPaymentDate - added
  • Tenancy Invoice and Receipt Word Merge: New fields for calculated GST and exGST - calcGSTAmount, calcExGSTAmount, calcGSTAmountNZ, calcExGSTAmountNZ
  • Property Word Merge: New field for OwnerContact1Phone - added
  • Property Word Merge: New field for OwnerContact1Email - added
  • Property Word Merge: New field for OwnerBankName - added
  • Property Word Merge: New field for OwnerBSB - added
  • Property Word Merge: New field for OwnerAccountNum - added
  • Property Word Merge: New field for OwnerAccountName- added

SMS Enhancements:

  • Added functionality to use SMS Global new API: The update process will update the database parameter SMSGateway to the new site https://api.smsglobal.com/http-api.php? for Chintaro databases that are configured for SMS Global SMS service. System Maintenance > Reference tables> SMSGateway 

Bug Fixes:

  • Statutory Reporting Analyser - total at the top of the screen missing - fixed.
  • Statutory Reporting Analyser  - sped up screen and fixed #Deleted on NAHA Tenancies tab.
  • Statutory Reporting Analyser - VRS KPM 9.1 Syntax Error - fixed.
  • Statutory Reporting Analyser - NRS 6.9, 6.1.12 logic error - fixed.
  • Statutory Reporting Analyser - NRS 1.2.3, 6.1.6 were not matching - fixed.
  • Bank Processing Screens - unable to select *Not A Rent Payment
  • Market Rent Review screen - Error - fixed.
  • ODBC error on login - caused by dodgy dates of birth in Client records - fixed.
  • Joint Tenant not appearing on Bulk Email Statement - fixed.
  • Bank Format BNZ CSV Salvo treating some credits as debits - fixed.
  • Error #91 when cloning an Inventory Item to one Property only - fixed.
  • Unable to Add/Edit Trades Types when creating new Tradesperson - fixed.
  • New Maintenance Task > add Tradesperson > click Tradesperson Details > error - fixed.
  • FHL Occupancy Export - Error - fixed.
  • Opening Notes - Error - fixed.
  • Adding a client - Error - fixed
  • Error #440 when adding a Client Note - fixed.
  • Unable to tick 'Include' box on the Manage Inventory Items - fixed.
  • Fixed Rent and Banking screens to allow use of Enter key - fixed.
  • Fixed Trade Type filtering on existing WOs - fixed.
  • Rent Report Launch Export - Error - Fixed.
  • Waiting List - Write conflict error in some circumstances - Fixed
  • System freezes when clicking 'Print Note History' for certain Tenants - Fixed
  • Error #2110 appears when opening a Room after setting security on fRoomDetails - Fixed 
  • A random balance is shown on the Ledger when a new Tenancy is created - Fixed 
  • ArrearsRent Parameter set to 2 is ignored when Rent is generated - Fixed 
  • Add maintenance task - email button not showing in some circumstances - Fixed
  • Message defaults getting cut off in notes if over 255 characters - Fixed
  • Unable to Word Merge when 'Tradesperson Details' is left blank - Fixed
  • When importing a bank file and '*not a rent payment*' is selected the error message 'You must select a valid Tenancy before generating rent' appears - Fixed
  • Unable to open a related link with '#' in the filename - Fixed
  • Having a Saved View with a large number of filters caused error #3146 when the view was applied. Fixed
  • Using the 'Print Note History' feature on the Tenancy screen would cause Chintaro to freeze. Fixed
  • Transaction Summary by Tenancy (xtab) report previously took 5+ minutes to run. Fixed
  • Error #3061- Too few parameters when importing a blank MMgr invoice file. Fixed
  • Foreign characters replace '...' in PIM exports. Fixed

Patch Update 2021.02.05

Bug Fixes: 

  • Client Notes - Search field not displaying correctly - Fixed
  • Message Default - Character limit preventing use of longer messages - Fixed
  • BNZ CSV Bank Format - Issue with debits not appearing correctly - Fixed
  • Insights Export - Performance issue with Export process - Fixed
  • Client Notes - Not displaying when copied from an email into the note, then copied to another Client - Fixed

Patch Update 2021.03.04

Bug Fixes:  

  • Manage Tenancy - Won't remember the tenant highlighted - Fixed
  • Manual Bank Entry - Centrepay fee not deleted with batch - Fixed
  • Market Rent Review - Error message when applying updated amount - Fixed
  • Write Conflict - Occasional Write Conflict message when viewing clients/tenants - Fixed
  • Tenancy (by start date) Export - Not picking highest income - Fixed


  • Added PeoplePoint GL Export functionality.
  • 'Account Number' and 'Region' added to Tech One (Launch) GL Export.

Patch Update 2021.03.19

Bug Fixes:

  • Tradesperson Details were left blank on Maintenance Task after an MMgr import - Fixed
  • Error #3061 when importing a blank MMgr file - Fixed

Tenancy Enhancements

  • Edit Rent: A new message displays if the Market Rent has been left blank
  • Edit Rent: If left blank on a new entry, the Market Rent will default back to the Market Rent entered on the previous Rent Record

Property Maintenance Enhancements

  • If configured to email using SMTP, functionality added so that when emailing workorders from Property Maintenance screen, they will be sent using SMTP (with workorder as an attachment).  The main body of the email can be edited in the field MaintenanceEmailBody in the Parameters reference table.


  • Added PIMAccessToSQLUser Parameter.
  • Added 'MMGR Remove Tenant Info' Maintenance Preference.

Patch Update 2021.04.06

Bug Fixes

  • Transaction Summary including Bond (Date Range) Report didn't show any Bond Transactions - Fixed
  • Transaction Summary (Date Range) Report - Debit and Credit columns not displaying correctly - Fixed
  • NZ City - City Field was not populating- Fixed
  • PeoplePoint GL Export - Unable to Select All - Fixed
  • Rent Calculator - Issue with Income not refreshing after entering Service Fee - Fixed
  • PIM - ASCII 133 (ellipsis) symbol unable to load to PIM app - Fixed
  • PIM - Semi colon in Property comments not importing to PIM - Fixed
  • Manage Tenancy Transactions Inc Bond screen now multi-user - fixed
  • Property Alerts - Maintenance tasks not auto populating alerts - Fixed

Tenancy Enhancements

  • Generate rent reversal function: Rent cannot be reversed if it has been exported to General Ledger

Word Merge Enhancements

  • Added new Merge Fields for "Today" in WordMergeTenancy

Report and Export Enhancements

  • FHL Property Maintenance KPIs - Invoice Number 

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